Richard Gordon: The Relentless Pursuit of Justice

In the filthy waters of Philippine politics, where corruption is often shrugged off as an inevitable part of the game, Richard “Dick” Gordon stands as a pillar of hope and integrity. As the former chair of the Senate Blue Ribbon Committee, Gordon has never shied away from taking on the powerful and the untouchable. His latest call to investigate former President Rodrigo Duterte over the multi-billion-peso Pharmally Pharmaceutical Corporation contract scandal is a testament to his unwavering commitment to accountability and justice.

The recent decision by the Office of the Ombudsman to file graft charges against former Health Secretary Francisco Duque III and former Budget Undersecretary Christopher Lao is a significant step forward. Yet, Gordon indignantly points out that this is merely scratching the surface. The true mastermind, he argues, sits much higher in the hierarchy—none other than Duterte himself.

Gordon’s allegations are not baseless. The Senate Blue Ribbon Committee’s extensive investigation uncovered a tortuous web of deceit and malfeasance. It was Duterte who appointed Lao, the key figure in the dubious transfer of over P41 billion for COVID-19 supplies. The same Duterte who appointed Warren Liong, another suspect in the scandal, to the Ombudsman. The connections are too conspicuous to ignore.

Gordon’s frustration is palpable as he laments the protection afforded to key figures implicated in the scandal, including former presidential adviser Michael Yang. Yang, who reportedly financed Pharmally’s lucrative contract, remained untouchable, shielded in Duterte’s stronghold of Davao City. This blatant obstruction of justice sends a chilling message: in Duterte’s Philippines, connections trump accountability.

The stakes couldn’t be higher. The Pharmally scandal is not just a case of financial impropriety; it’s a betrayal of public trust at the highest level. In the midst of a deadly pandemic, when every peso misallocated could mean a life lost, the alleged corruption is nothing short of a national tragedy. Gordon’s relentless pursuit of the truth is a fight for the soul of the nation.

Contrast this with other Asian democracies where even former presidents are not immune to the law. In South Korea, former leaders have faced prison for corruption. Why should the Philippines be any different? Gordon’s indignation is shared by many Filipinos who yearn for a government that is not just by the people, but for the people.

Yet, Gordon’s quest has been met with resistance. The Senate Blue Ribbon Committee’s report, which recommended charges against Duterte post-presidency, failed to gain traction. The political machinery, ever protective of its own, refused to endorse the findings. This is the crux of Gordon’s battle: not just against individual corruption, but against a system that perpetuates impunity.

The former senator’s latest call to action is a clarion call for all Filipinos. Supporting Gordon is not just about backing a single man’s crusade; it’s about endorsing a vision of governance where justice prevails over political expediency. It’s about ensuring that no one, not even a former president, is above the law.

Gordon’s courage and determination are a rallying cry in a nation weary of scandals and betrayal. His fight is our fight. Every Filipino who believes in justice and accountability must stand with Gordon, for in his victory lies the promise of a better, fairer Philippines.

As we await Duterte’s response—a response that may never come—we must not let Gordon’s voice be a lone one in the wilderness. The evidence is there, the connections are clear, and the demand for justice is unequivocal. Richard Gordon has lit the torch; it is up to us to carry it forward.

In the end, this is more than a political struggle. It is a moral imperative. It is about ensuring that future generations inherit a nation where integrity is the norm, not the exception. And for that, we owe Gordon our unwavering support. The road ahead may be fraught with challenges, but with leaders like Gordon at the helm, there is hope for a brighter tomorrow.

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