The Strength of Restraint: How Marcos’s Peaceful Approach Counters China’s Provocations

By Louis ‘Barok‘ C. Biraogo

President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.’s recent address at Camp General Artemio Ricarte in Puerto Princesa rings out with a resolute commitment to peace, diplomacy, and the steadfast defense of national sovereignty. The backdrop of his words is the June 17 incident in Ayungin Shoal, where the China Coast Guard’s aggressive actions against a Philippine government ship starkly underscored the escalating tensions in the West Philippine Sea.

Marcos’s approach, marked by a “calm and peaceful disposition,” is far from submission. Instead, it is a masterclass in strategic patience and resilience. His message to the troops and the nation was clear: the Philippines will defend its territory without resorting to force, aligning with international law and upholding the dignity and rights of its people. This stance reflects a deep-rooted commitment to peace and prosperity, avoiding the pitfalls of great power rivalry.

The advantages of Marcos’s approach are manifold. Firstly, it underscores a commitment to rule-based order in international relations. By refusing to be drawn into provocations and maintaining a peaceful yet firm stance, the Philippines sets a powerful precedent for other nations in similar predicaments. It showcases the strength of restraint and the power of diplomacy over the chaos of conflict.

Furthermore, Marcos’s strategy fortifies the moral high ground. In a world where might often overshadows right, the Philippines’ adherence to international law and peaceful dispute resolution is a pillar of hope. It highlights the country’s integrity and positions it as a responsible global player, committed to the broader principles of justice and human rights.

China’s actions, on the other hand, are a stark contrast. The ramming of a Philippine vessel, brandishing of weapons, and seizure of equipment are clear violations of maritime norms and international law. Such aggression not only endangers lives but also undermines the stability of the region. It is an affront to the principles of peaceful coexistence and mutual respect that should govern international relations.

The world must take heed of these transgressions. China’s coercive tactics and disregard for sovereign rights threaten not just the Philippines but the very fabric of international order. It is a call to the global community to stand united against such bullying and to reinforce the mechanisms of diplomacy and legal recourse.

Marcos’s commendation of the Filipino soldiers, who exhibited “greatest restraint amid intense provocation,” further illustrates the strength of character and discipline inherent in the nation’s defense forces. These soldiers, awarded the Order of Lapu-Lapu, embody the spirit of a nation that values peace yet stands unyielding in the face of aggression.

As we navigate these tumultuous waters, the call for peace, diplomacy, and the rule of law rings ever louder. The Philippines, under Marcos’s leadership, is charting a course towards a future where strength is measured not by the ability to wage war but by the capacity to sustain peace. It is a vision of a New Philippines—brave, determined, and compassionate—dedicated to the quest for peace and the respect of international norms.

In the face of provocation, the Philippines has chosen the path of dignity and restraint. It is a testament to the nation’s enduring spirit and a clarion call for a world where diplomacy triumphs over discord, and the rule of law prevails over the rule of force.

Louis ‘Barok‘ C. Biraogo

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