About me

Louis ‘Barok’ C. Biraogo

Hey there! I’m Louis C. Biraogo, the driving force behind Kweba ni Barok Blog, a platform dedicated to exploring topics that resonate with the everyday lives of Filipinos. Just like conversations held in the depths of a cave, Kweba represents KWEntuhan (discussion) and BAlitaktakan (polemics), where ideas are shared, debated, and celebrated.

Originating from the dynamic City of Davao, I was raised amidst the vibrant mosaic of Filipino culture and society, shaping my worldview from an early age. Subsequently, my academic journey led me to the esteemed halls of the University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, where I refined my aptitude for critical analysis, navigating through the complexities of current events and uncovering concealed realities.

My fervent dedication to spirited debate and discourse led me to establish this platform, where I can impart stories, insights, and analyses that ignite a similar fervor in my audience.

At Kweba ni Barok, my goal is to stir your intellect and soul, guiding you to a profound understanding of the events and issues that shape our world.

Drawing from my tenure as a columnist for two (2) esteemed publications, the Manila Standard and People’s Taliba, I offer a wealth of experience, delivering a distinctive viewpoint on crucial societal matters and political dialogue.

Kweba ni Barok Blog welcomes individuals from all walks of life – whether you’re an accomplished professional, an inquisitive student, or simply someone navigating the streets of everyday life. As long as you share a passion for spirited discussions and debates, you’ll find a home here.

Kweba ni Barok distinguishes itself through its unwavering commitment to inclusivity. With discussions conducted in English, Tagalog, or Cebuano, we ensure that every voice is heard and valued. Here, you’ll encounter a mosaic of perspectives and opinions enriching the conversation.

During my downtime, I immerse myself in the latest advancements in robotics, artificial intelligence, and electric vehicles, fascinated by the possibilities they hold for the future. Additionally, I enjoy delving into topics related to health, such as exploring intermittent fasting and the ketogenic diet, seeking to optimize both mind and body.

Embark on this journey of exploration and enlightenment with me! Dive into the depths of the blog, engage with me on social media platforms, and together, let’s delve deeper into the core of Filipino discourse, enriching our understanding and perspectives along the way.